Accelerated Learning for High Achievers
Most are aware of accelerated weight loss and fitness programs because of common, frequent advertising exposure to such; particularly because an alternative channel is selling discounted, super-sized, fast food meals on Tuesdays after 3 pm. However, with the exception of foreign languages, most people do not hear about general accelerated learning. Accelerated learning and skills development occur regularly with athletes, musicians and other artists committed to performance activities. Unfortunately, most consider high achievers' intelligence (or breadth and depth of knowledge) to be gifts, not outcomes of development. As such, most do not consider "learning" to be a skill, something that one can enrich and nurture, with the expectation of improvement. Instead, most engage in the activity of learning as if it were always "performance time" without expectation of sharpening the tools before and route to performance. Moreover, school systems often place studen...